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Health and Wellbeing: Dental Hygiene

Establishing a proper oral hygiene routine from a young age is essential for children’s health, development and wellbeing.

Here at Wilston Kids Care we are strongly promote healthy oral hygiene habits to our children. We do this by encouraging the children to “swish and swallow” after meal times. Parents also have a key role in making sure their children understand the importance of oral hygiene.

Ways in doing this include supervising an effective brushing routine. In support of this regular check- ups with your dentist are vital.

Did you know about the Child and adolescent oral health services provided by the Queensland Government? If your child is a Queensland resident four years of age or older who has not completed year 10 are eligible for publicly funded oral health care via Queensland Health's Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services (previously referred to as the School Dental Service / Program).

These services are provided to eligible parents at no extra cost. For extra information regarding where your local clinic is please refer to the following website:

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